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    Gym climbing

    L’escalade est un sport, activité, philosophie qui attire de plus en plus des adeptes et c’est tant mieux. Pour vous qui débutez dans cette magnifique aventure nous avons créé cet article afin de vous aider à trouver une salle d’escalade, à choisir votre matériel et  à connaitre les technique de base nécessaire pour la pratique d’escalade en salle.

    Continue reading Gym climbing

    Multi-pitch climbing project

    The memories of your outdoor climbing feats begin to recede into the past and looking for a way to keep intact your enthusiasm for climbing during the approaching winter? Nothing better in this case than to start preparing a great way climbing project for next spring

    The climbing gear

    For a complete list of equipment needed we start from the list given by Petzl in the article “Tips and techniques for multi-pitch climbing on their site. rawing inspiration from this list we have created a lwish ist on Amazon with all the climbing gear  you need to do well  your multi pitch climbing project :

    Abonnez-vous au tableau Mammut Multi-pitch climbing de ekaravandotcom sur Pinterest.


    The training

    To keep fit and well prepared for the future achievement, we must also think of training and practice of climbing during the winter. These days many are the climbing gyms in cities. If you are looking for one close to you, we recommend that you use the online map provided by the site

    Now that you found the ckimbing gym nearest to you  what you lack is  climbing partner or partners. Unlike other sports for which  it’s always good to have colleagues to motivate each other, in climbing having a partner (belayer) to ensure you while you are climbing  is indispensable.

    A simple solution to find people who share your passion for climbing around you is to use the Meetup website. This site allows you to find and join groups of climbers around you. For example in Ile de France you can join the Climber & Belayer #Escalade #Climbing @issylesmoul group or Paris Climbing – Climbing Meetup to participate to weekly climbing meetings.

    The Great Wall of China, Hiking off the beaten paths, Beijing, China


    Looking for a hike on the Great Wall of China off the beaten track? We found and tried for you this beautiful 6km hike from Jinshanling to  Simatai  West  operated by Beijing Downtown Backpackers Travel & Accommodation.

    Itinerary and agenda

    The tour is operated on the even number days  of the months, eg Sunday, August 30, 2015.

    The point of departure and return of the tour is the Inn Beijing Downtown Backpackers Accommodation.

    Departure time: 8:15 (8:15 AM)

    Return time: 17:00 (5:00 PM)


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    Rates and Booking

    The tour costs 280 CHY

    You can make your reservation:

    By phone at + 86 10 8400 2429

    Online on the website of the operator of the tour: Beijing Downtown Backpackers Accommodation

    Galerie Photo

    Tsukiji fish market, Morning Tour, Tokyo, Japan


    If you are traveling to Tokyo and you’re a big fan of sites for sushi and unusual photos then you should visit the fish market in Tsukiji.

    Go to the market early in the morning at the start time of the first urban transport.

    Once you have visited the market ended remember to take breakfast in one of the restaurants around the market. The sushi are delicious and the tuna extra fat delicious.



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    Photo gallery